Of course, while it might seem simple on the surface, there’s a lot you can do with it! Trello is just a free, digital Kanban board. Then you simply pin index cards or notes in their appropriate columns, to help you keep track of the different projects you need to tackle. They can be as simple as a corkboard with columns for different tasks (to-do, doing, and done) or they can break your workflow down into very granular stages. Kanban boards have been all the rage for the last few years. The 8 Best Apps for Writing a Novel Planning and Organization: Trello: Pen and paper have their place in our writing arsenals, but I’d argue we should save the truly analog experience for when we’re holding our final novels in our hands! Why drown in a sea of disorganized notes when technology and apps for writing can make your novel just a little bit easier to write? Let’s just say that the apps below have not only made my writing life easier (and far more productive), but my cleaning routine has become much quicker as well!

My work space is often littered with post-its, scraps of paper, and index cards covered in scribbled scenes. Like I said above, I’m prone to being horribly disorganized when writing.

While there’s still something romantic about writing your novel without being distracted by technology, computers and the internet have become such an ever present part of our lives that we might as well take advantage of them. Fortunately, a variety of apps for writing have been created to make every stage of the writing process easier and more efficient!